‘Yahoo Boys Are The Cause Of Rent Hike’— Netizens 

Following the uprising rent hike in Nigeria, Netizens on social media have continued to blame yahoo boys, MOUTHPIECE NGR reports. 

According to an online user, Yahoo boys are one of the major reasons we have rent hike in Ikorodu and other extreme neighborhoods in Lagos like Bogije, Lakowe, Mowe (A bit into Ogun).

These guys can afford Lekki, Yaba and Surulere but they will never stay there because oka ma fo. They need hiding places. Most of the people living in Yaba are working class rich boys who wants to be close to their workplaces. Yahoo boys don’t need proximity to the CBD, they just want somewhere conducive, far from ojutaye, where they can on gen 24/7 while riding Benz.

Guess who is suffering from their decisions? The low income earner who chose to live in Ikorodu where he can pay small rent. He can’t anymore because these boys have brought money into the hood. O ma nka mi lara.

Another commentator wrote: “These guys are a serious menace to morality – they turned alot of our girls to Oloshos, enticed landlords to increase rents astronomically, cajoled our youths into laziness and seeking quick fraudulent wealth, finished weak parents and elders into supporting fraud by turning blind eyes to their activities, and became the worst role models for young chaps who now see school and hard work as punishment since they can still hammer using fraud while living soft lives.”

Another one added, “Lol. I remembered a property we wanted to rent and the agent in charge was asking if we were coded Bobo. I was confused and I asked, “coded Bobo, how do yhu mean?

The man now laughed and said I should know what he meant by that na. And he said, for anyone to come for this house despite the proposed rent, the person must have plenty money na. 

That was when my colleague responded by telling him what we needed the place for and that we are not into yahoyahoo or any shady business. The man now apologized and went on to explain that they usually ask so that they can let their clients know wether it’s safe location for them or not.

At that point, I got the whole gist and I was somehow upset and I asked him, so this is how you ask everyone coming to check properties eh?

The man said even when they’re advertising some available properties that they usually indicate if coded bobos are alllowed into the apartment or not…..

I asked him, “so if they say they’re coded Bobo yu will allow them, he said “yes na, except the place isn’t the kind of place they can stay. Ah, na them dey even pay real money now o”. Since then, I know say naija don spoil finish.

Do you also agree that Yahoo boys are the cause of House rent? 

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