George Ogunlade celebrates Eid-al-dha with Muslim faithful, gifts rams, cash

Hon. George Gbadegesin Ogunlade, Chairman of Ogbomoso North Local Government, has congratulated Muslim faithful, donating rams and cash to party stakeholders, leaders, and key law enforcement officials in Ogbomoso North in celebration of Eid-al-dha.

In a statement confirmed by his Media Aide, Mr Toheeb Alade, he said: “Hon. George’s contributions are a testament to his commitment to the welfare of his constituents. By providing these donations during the Eid celebration, he has brought joy and relief to many families. Eid, a time of gratitude and unity, was made even more special by his thoughtful gesture.

“In addition to the community members, the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) and Divisional Crime Officer (DCO) also received cash donations. This act underscores Hon. George’s dedication to fostering good relations with law enforcement and supporting those who maintain peace and order in Ogbomoso North.”- He said.

Residents of Ogbomoso North have praised Hon. George for his selflessness and compassion. His actions have not only provided immediate relief but have also strengthened the sense of community and solidarity. Many believe that his leadership style, characterized by empathy and proactive support, will continue to bring positive changes to the region.

Hon. George’s commitment to his people is evident in his actions. By prioritizing the needs of his constituents and supporting key community figures, he has shown that he is a leader who truly serves. His dedication to the betterment of Ogbomoso North is inspiring, and his contributions during this Eid celebration will be remembered as a significant act of community solidarity.

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