5th Year Anniversary: Oke Legacy extols Makinde’s strides on good governance, infrastructure

PDP Chieftain and Director of Best Legacy Group of Schools, Hon. John Adisa Oke Legacy, PhD, has commended Governor Seyi Makinde on the occasion of his administration’s fifth-year anniversary.

In his congratulatory message, Oke Legacy praised the governor for his exemplary leadership and the significant strides made in good governance and infrastructure development.

Hon. Oke Legacy highlighted the governor’s commitment to enhancing the road network across Oyo State, noting that these efforts have facilitated economic growth and improved the quality of life for residents. He expressed appreciation for the administration’s focus on infrastructure, which has been a cornerstone of Governor Makinde’s tenure.

One of the standout achievements celebrated by Hon. Oke Legacy was the commissioning of the 76.7-kilometer Iseyin-Fapote-Ogbomoso Road, which took place earlier today. The event was graced by His Excellency, Vice President Senator Kashim Shettima, alongside Governor Seyi Makinde.

This significant infrastructure project is expected to greatly boost Ogbomoso’s economy by enhancing trade, transportation, and overall development in the region.

“This new road marks a new chapter of progress and prosperity for Ogbomoso,” said Hon. Oke Legacy.

“Improved road connectivity will not only facilitate smoother and safer transportation but also open up new opportunities for businesses and individuals alike. We look forward to the positive impact this road will have on our community.”

Hon. Oke Legacy also commended Governor Makinde’s dedication to good governance, which has been characterized by transparency, accountability, and a people-centric approach.

In his statement, Hon. Oke Legacy urged the people of Oyo State to continue supporting Governor Makinde’s administration, emphasizing the importance of collective effort in achieving sustainable development and expressed confidence in the governor’s ability to lead the state to greater heights.

“Governor Makinde has laid a solid foundation for future growth, and it is our collective responsibility to support his vision for a better Oyo State.,” Hon. Oke Legacy concluded.

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